Intuity Academy Practitioner Training

Your Journey Starts Here...


Your Root Healing Experience

The Powerful Live Event That Teaches You To Understand Yourself Deeply, Connect With Your Emotions Profoundly, And Permanently Heal Your Core Wounds

This is an experiential event that will change the way you see yourself, the world, and give you the freedom to start creating exactly what you want...

Are You Ready To Transform Yourself At The Deepest Level?

The Intuity Academy Training is a revolutionary opportunity to discover the depths of who you are. Enter into full self expression and choose to live in alignment with your heart and purpose as you journey deep into Root Healing.

Transforming yourself at this level and creating a new state of being takes work and a deep commitment to break through all of the emotions, beliefs and stories that have limited your life up until now. Root emotional healing is challenging, it takes everything you have to heal patterns that have protected you for a lifetime.

At the Intuity Academy we are highly skilled in supporting you in accessing these places and facilitating breakthroughs so that you can create your life in an entirely new way, and learn how to help others do the same.

Module 2


A five-day foundation course for anyone who is choosing to become the best version of themselves. Experience dynamic transformation combined with the exploration of how to live through heart and open your senses.

This module is for everyone and will provide you with remarkable skills for beginning to walk your true soul path.

  • The essentials for becoming a healer and powerfully navigating life

  • Open and develop your heart centre and four main senses

  • A training that leads to radical change

  • Train in accessing the 80% of information that is available through your 4 main senses

  • Identify aspects and emotions that are blocking your full expression

  • Learn how to ground, centre and create clear boundaries

  • Learn to engage with the energetic world

  • Start facing your fears and trusting yourself

  • Experience LIVE transformation with Keith

Module 3


For hypnotherapists, coaches or healers, or anyone who is committed to developing their skills to the next level and learning the technology that enables the origin of issues to be traced and transformed with velocity.

A remarkable year-long training which will not only transform your life but will bring you a competency to work within a wide spectrum of healing tools and energies and to master the art of Root Healing.

  • Understand the spectrum of energies from deep shadow to divine light

  • Master the Art of Root Healing

  • Train in inner child, emotional tracing, ancestral healing, past lives, psychic surgery and power retrieval

  • Discover how to dance with complex patterns of resistance

  • Learn how to work with your energetic guide team

  • Awaken the healer inside you

  • Learn advanced healing skills

  • Experience breakthroughs like never before



Your Root Healing Experience

The Powerful Live Event That Teaches You To Understand Yourself Deeply, Connect With Your Emotions Profoundly, And Permanently Heal Your Core Wounds

Intuity International, London, UK

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