Identify, acknowledge and own your shadow so you can operate from a place of personal power, and not from one of avoidance.
Trace the energy of core wound emotion in your body that is creating suffering back to where they first were formed.
Shift stagnant energies that are creating suffering and keeping you stuck in a negative state of being
Choose to transform into a new state of being.
Start to be in flow and live from heart, rather than allowing the mind to create control that repeats the patterns of the past.
The formation of the unconscious mind and why you are recreating the past over and over again.
How the emotions of the past are creating your state of being and what you can do about that.
About your shadow, what it is, how it helps you, and how to bring it home.
About yourself on the deepest level possible.
About energy and how we can use the laws of quantum physics to your advantage and break free of the matrix of perception you are currently in.
How to shift your state of being and create a life you love.
Understand the formation of the unconscious mind and the foundational beliefs systems you created that are what shape your perceptions and therefore the reality of the world that you live in.
Learn about the autonomic nervous system and how it uses emotions, confusion and physiological discomfort to lead us away from what it sees as dangerous (the unknown future) and back to the safety of the known (the past).
Journey into a belief stored in your body so you can see the emotion that is attached, and understand how your initial core wound is creating your state of being.
Comprehend on a deep level how we are an energetic being in an energetic body, what this means and how you can use this to your advantage.
Understand how learning to live through heart, rather than the perception of the mind, can free you from the patterns of the past and allow you to flow through life creating from a place of being, rather than the known past.
Understand how triggers from the past create an energetic charge in your body that drives your psychology, physiology, biochemistry, neurobiology, immunology and even your epigenetics.
Learn about your shadow, what it is, how it was created, and how facing and owning all of it is the path to true freedom.
Go through a transformational process into a trigger so you can receive the information held within, see your shadow, and experience a powerful root healing.
Understand on a deep level how radical responsibility is the true key to a life of freedom, and how you can embody this as a way of being.
Learn how to shift from the powerless mindset we are taught of being a victim of events that happen, into being the powerful creator of your own life.
Understand yourself in a non-judgemental way and gain insight into how you have created your life the way it is.
Comprehend the power of metacognition, what it is, how to develop it, and how having it can set you free.
Learn about the difference between feelings and emotions, and which one is creating the stuck state of being you are in.
Understand the core emotions, the depth and range, the information they bring, and how resistance creates suffering.
Learn how a root healing will release the stuck energy that has created your perceptions and your reality, and provide you with the ability to truly choose.
Go through a powerful process of tracing stuck emotion in your body so that you can release the energy of that moment, and bring in the qualities you need to heal and create a new state of being.
TWO 1:1 Healing Sessions With An Intuity Qualified Healer
Go through your own powerful transformation with two full healing sessions with one of our trained and mentored coaches.
The healers you will be working with have not only gone through the full Intuity Academy Practitioner Training, but they have also spent at least a year being personally mentored by Keith as a part of their journey in the Intuity Team.
You will be taken on a deep healing journey back to a core wound which has shaped you and the way you see the world so that you can finally shift the energy of that moment and have the healing you need to let go. The ripple through impact of core root healing creates profound perceptional shifts that will change the way you see yourself, other and the world, and will remove charged triggers that are hijacking you and controlling your life.
Our Intuity Healers work intuitively so that they can help you access the true moment in time where the trauma occurred, whether or not it is this life, a past life, or an ancestral life. They are masters at navigating the resistances you have created that are currently stopping you from accessing these moments. And they will use a combination of tools, music, energy healing and emotional release techniques to help you finally have the breakthroughs you need.
3 Month's Membership To Intuity Bliss
Get immediate access to our membership site Intuity Bliss where you can enjoy pre-recorded healing journeys that Keith has created. There are 52 journeys for you to choose from, each of them tailored towards a different healing need.
Intuitively created, the power of these healing journeys grows through the morphogenic field of information contained within as more and more people use them. Enjoy the Dj set of ambient/euphoric music that Keith has chosen to accompany the healing and to help you access the emotions and the moments that you need.
Choose from a massive range of healing journeys like: Ancestral Healing - Mother's Lineage, The Core Lifetime, Connecting With The Seraphim, Non-Duality - Collapsing Chaos, Living Through The Heart - The Becoming Series, DNA Activation, Enlightenment Waves, Power Retrieval, Gifts From Past Lifetimes, Meeting Our Higher Self, Non-Duality - Healing The Story, Psychic Surgery Blueprint, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Healing, Trusting Your Soul, and many, many more...
Lie back, put on a good set of headphones, and prepare to journey deep inside so that you can uncover your healing needs, and transform yourself on a deep, deep level.
An Opportunity To Talk One Of Our Team About Training As An Intuity Healer
If you know in your heart that Root Healing is an integral part of how you can help heal the world, and you are ready to commit the time, energy and investment to learn how to do it with velocity, then you will have an opportunity to talk to one of our team about coming into the Intuity Academy and learning the system of Root Healing that Keith has developed.
This call is to ascertain where you are right now, what you are creating within your life, and why you feel that learning how to perform root healing is going to close the gap.
Intuity Academy courses are small bespoke creations. We safeguard the well being of our students by making sure that the energy of the container they are in is safe, nurturing and supportive. This is why we meet with and get to know everybody before we allow them into the Academy.
This call is a chance for us to get to know you and to feel your energy, and for you to get to know us, what we stand for and what our mission is in the world. If the two are aligned, we will be excited to invite you to become a part of our academy and our Intuity Family.
Keith Hodge is The Founder Of Intuity International.
His passion is in enabling people to break through everything that is in the way of their full self-expression and to support them to live through their heart, embody their power and bring their gifts to the world.
Through his 17 years of running two hypnotherapy/energy healing clinics and seeing 20 – 25 people a week, Keith’s focus has consistently been on what will make the biggest difference to his clients in the quickest way possible.
Intuity International is creating large scale sound healing events. By November 2025 the first event will be with 10 - 20,000 people. This will grow into 100,000 people stadiums and audiences of millions streamed online.
A team of healers accompanied by a live orchestra create an experience for participants to rapidly heal through the layers of emotion, beliefs and stories that keep them blocked and anchored in limited states of being that have caused the same unconscious choices to be repeated throughout their life.
These events create the opportunity to rapidly let go of unconscious patterns and to evolve states of being for participants towards the point where manifesting their true path is effortless fun, and their soul gifts are birthed into the world.
This creates a huge ripple of consciousness and being in service around the world where more and more people are able to awaken to their true state of being.
Donna Joy Usher is an Analytical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Spiritual Healer, Magnetic Mind Coach, Tantra Embodiment Practitioner and multi-award winning author who is passionate about helping others to heal their trauma, rewrite their belief systems, and to learn to live through heart.
She is currently living her dream life coaching for Intuity International, healing, studying, travelling, spending time with her furchildren and sharing her story through her podcast Living Through Heart.
You will get immediate access to Intuity Bliss membership site, and also to your 1-2-1 root healing sessions with you healer.
Normally $1997, but SAVE $500 and pay only $1497 when you secure your spot during The Art of Root Healing.
(Payment plans available. Click the button above to see details.)
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