
Everything You Need To Transform At The Deepest Level

Become empowered and develop the tools you need to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. The Intuity International Academy is home to
The Practitioner Training, Bespoke Programmes, Intuity Bliss, The Portal Healing Group and the Community Healing Clinic.

Practitioner Training

At the centre of Intuity, you’ll find The Practitioner Training, which will revolutionise your life as you discover you are at the source of it all. It begins with the Foundation Course, five days of exploration, discovery and transformation. This sets the foundations for the advanced trainings; The Practitioner Training and Mentoring.

Intuity Bliss

Join us for a Free beautiful guided healing journey to ambient music. Music lights up my soul. I collect tracks that move me.

This is a live DJ set with each track selected to stir up emotions, inspire a feeling of power, uplift and create celebration whilst intuitively guiding you towards transformation.

We recommend plugging in good quality headphones or speakers. Lie back and drop into Bliss!

Bespoke Programmes

Keith specialises in root healing work, supporting people in healing the deepest layers that are in the way of both creating a life that they love and in bringing through their own gifts to the world.

If you are interested in working with me, I offer a free initial consultation to discover what you intend to break through and how I can support you.

Available online and in Ibiza

Community Healing Clinic

Intuity’s Healing Clinic provides an opportunity to experience transformational healing at an affordable price.

These are provided by graduates from Intuity International. Each one has their own unique style, utilising their gifts and abilities to facilitate your healing experience.

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