The Ultimate Guide To Root Healing: Unlock The Secrets To Rapid Client Transformation: For Hypnotherapists, Coaches, And Energy Healers

Discover the game-changing techniques that will skyrocket your success rate, attract a consistent stream of referrals, and establish you as the go-to expert in your field!

In this game-changing guide, you’ll discover:

  • The incredible journey of one hypnotherapist's quest for consistent client breakthroughs, that has led to a system of Root Healing that is able to offer guaranteed results

  • The essential skill of tracing emotions in the body, allowing you to access the root of your clients' issues with pinpoint accuracy every time

  • How to recognise and navigate clients' protections/ resistance, ensuring they experience true and lasting healing

  • The secret to skyrocketing your success rate and referrals, resulting in increased abundance and a thriving practice

  • How to stand out from the competition with exceptional skills, eliminating the need for costly marketing efforts and elevating your reputation as an industry expert

“Unlock the Secrets to Rapid Client Transformation” guide and begin your journey to mastering the art of Root Healing!

Are you tired of inconsistent results with your clients,

leaving you questioning your abilities and wondering how to expand your practice?

Imagine having a proven system that guarantees lasting transformations for your clients every single time, allowing you to confidently charge higher fees and effortlessly attract a steady flow of referrals.

Introducing the “Unlock the Secrets to Rapid Client Transformation” guide, a comprehensive blueprint for mastering the powerful system of Root Healing. With this lead magnet, you’ll uncover the key techniques to become the most successful and sought-after Hypnotherapist, Coach, or Energy Healer in your area.

Don’t let doubt and inconsistency hold you back any longer. Seize the opportunity to transform your practice and make a profound difference in the lives of your clients. Sign up now to access the “Unlock the Secrets to Rapid Client Transfor3 Columnmation” guide and begin your journey to mastering the art of Root Healing!

Don’t let doubt and inconsistency hold you back any longer. Seize the opportunity to transform your practice and make a profound difference in the lives of your clients. Sign up now to access the “Unlock the Secrets to Rapid Client Transformation” guide and begin your journey to mastering the art of Root Healing!

What other people are saying...


Brighton, Uk

"It was profound, mind-blowing, awe-inspiring, deeply healing, challenging, enjoyable, deeply held, powerful, and beyond anything I could have excepted or imagined. each weekend I didn’t want to end, and I don’t want the year to end! I have learnt and shared with an amazing group of people, grown as a therapist, learnt so many new techniques, healed so much of my own wounding, helped assist other’s healings, found a new tribe and witnessed the mastery that Keith is. I have developed my senses and have a toolkit of powerful techniques to use as a healer."


"Working with Keith has been life changing! The foundation course has given me the most amazing space to heal and grow on a level I was not aware of. So much gratitude and love for Keith and rest of the group! This was the perfect place and opportunity for me to re-discover myself with compassion and support held by Keith and the rest! I am truly thankful for the experience I had as all this has helped further me in the right direction! You will not find a more kind, powerful, brilliant facilitator of this transformational healing gift!

Looking forward to working together in module 2 and for expanding even more!”


London, Uk

"Groundbreaking work. I have been through so many journeys and have learnt so many tools that I wasn’t aware were available. Keith’s support during this training has been phenomenal, you can see he is so open to teaching us what he has learnt through his experiences. Many healers would keep their knowledge to themselves and I am honoured to be taught by Keith.

Seeing so many live root breakthroughs was amazing, witnessing others transform in front of your eyes!

Everything we have learnt is a powerful tool that can be used to help others and more importantly seeing everyone smiling so strongly after the sessions is a memory I will cherish for a very long time.


"Wow, what an incredible journey! To live from the heart is so empowering and being here has given me a deeper understanding of being in the presence. There is no hiding from your emotions in this course, they will come to the surface and I can honestly say it’s the most incredible feeling. Being free from all this pain that I had desperately tried to bury so deeply. Thank you Keith for holding this space and allowing me to expand so freely. I am grateful to everyone for sharing this journey with me. Much love xx"

Intuity International, London, UK

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