Breathe To The Roots Healing Journeys are a combination of SOMA Breath and Root Healing from Intuity International.

David and Keith combine ambient/ euphoric DJ set with breathing techniques and energy healing to guide you through a brand new experience!

Combine energy healing and breathwork to reach depths of emotional wounding not normally accessible...

  • Connect with the moments in time where the core woundings that are holding you back occurred, so that you can finally be free of the limitations and patterns of the past

  • Use breathing techniques from pranayama combined with sound therapy, meditation and visualisation to release trapped trauma

  • Trace your emotional wounds that are currently blocking you from your full manifestation power

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Are you ever frustrated by your inability to fully manifest what it is that you want to in this life?

Have you packed away those dreams that you had, telling yourself that it just wasn't meant to be?

Do you ever find yourself thinking things like: There's something wrong with me; I'm not enough; No matter how hard I try I never get what I want; Others can do it but I can't...?

What would it be like to be free from all of that and manifesting your deepest desires?

When you have been caught in a state of being that is blocking you ability to manifest, it becomes easy to start to believe that, for whatever reason, you just aren't allowed to have what you want.

The truth is that manifestation blocks are created by subconscious beliefs preventing you from attracting the reality that you want, and those subconscious beliefs and the resulting states of being were created during moments of trauma.

The good news is that these manifestation blocks can be blasted away during root healing moments. And that is what you will be experiencing during this Breathe To The Roots Healing Journey.

PLEASE NOTE - Forceful mouth breathing, prolonged breath holds and extended intense fast breathwork/hyperventilation for more than 5 minutes, should NOT be practiced in the case of any of the following:

  • Severe/critical diseases or infections if it impairs your ability to breathe

  • Severe uncontrolled hypertension (usually after a heart attack)

  • Organ failure or late-stage terminal illness

  • Pregnancy

  • If you have epilepsy, a pacemaker, or irregular heart beat (Exception: your doctor gives you specific permission)

  • Some conditions (Eg: Tinnitus, hernias) may be aggravated by forceful mouth breathing, prolonged breath holds and prolonged, intense, rapid breathing/hyperventilation and careful attention to technique is required

Meet Your Healers


Keith Hodge is The Founder Of Intuity International.

His passion is in enabling people to break through everything that is in the way of their full self-expression and to support them to live through their heart, embody their power and bring their gifts to the world.

Through his 17 years of running two hypnotherapy/energy healing clinics and seeing 20 – 25 people a week, Keith’s focus has consistently been on what will make the biggest difference to his clients in the quickest way possible.

This has led to the creation of the root healing system and the groundbreaking tools he now teaches to other hypnotherapists, coaches and healers, so they too can support their clients in transforming at the deepest level.

His students learn the power of root healing, to open/develop their ability to sense the energetic world, and to facilitate profound healing sessions.

He has led practitioner training and retreats in countries around the world such as the United States, Europe, the UK, Indonesia and online.


David is a coach, mentor, SOMA Breath Master Trainer, athlete and entrepreneur.

He is passionate about vitality and health and everything that revolves around healing the body, mind and emotions.

His success as an entrepreneur has seen his company (Almondgy) recognised as the pioneers of sugar-free nutrition and organic in Switzerland, and his immense drive, determination and resilience, coupled with his attuned power over his mind, has enabled him to run ultra-marathons of up to 205 km.

As a healer, he helps his clients through a unique blend of breathwork and hypnosis to facilitate powerful experiences that enable people to break through in the places they are stuck and to reignite their body's and mind’s natural ability to heal itself.

As a Master trainer, he has mentored and trained 100's of SOMA Breath instructors and has led over 40 "21 day Awakening Journeys".

He has facilitated practitioner training and retreats in countries around the world such as Switzerland, France, Miami, Ibiza, Estonia and London.


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